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According to Environment Canada, living in Ontario's 'snow belt' region means that residences and businesses face an average of 94-inches of snowfall per year, spread over forty to fifty snowfall events.

  • UNLIMITED SERVICE - All of our Service Packages are unlimited and include clearing of every snowfall over one centimeter. Every single snowfall over one centimeter is guaranteed cleared, no matter how much, how hard, or how often it snows throughout the entire Winter.

  • FLAT RATE PRICING - All of our Service Packages offer a flat rate price which will cover your property for the entire Winter. There are no hidden costs, no extra visit charges, and no worrying about past-due extra payments. Your guaranteed seasonal price will never exceed your budget regardless of how much snow we get.

  • GUARANTEED SERVICE TIMES - All of our Service Packages include guaranteed service times which will determine when your property receives service. Regardless of your chosen Service Package, we always prefer to work overnight and always aim to have your property completed by morning. 

  • RETURN SERVICE VISITS - All of our Service Packages include multiple clearing visits during heavy or extended storms. For snowfalls which accumulate to 10 centimeters or more, our crews will go out once to clear during the storm, and will return as many times as necessary as long as the snow keeps falling.  Your chosen Service Package will determine the frequency of return visits.

  • COMPREHENSIVE CONTRACTS - All of our Service Packages can include clearing of not only your parking lots and driveways, but also clearing of sidewalks, walkways, steps, entrances, and just about anything you need plowed or shoveled. 

  • AUTOMATIC ICE CONTROL APPLICATIONS - All of our Service Packages include salt applications in the flat rate. Our Priority and VIP Package clients receive automatic salt applications after every clearing visit, as well as any time there is any freezing rain, slush, sleet, nuisance snow, etc. The Standard Package only includes automatic salt applications once after each time your property is cleared. 


Keeping your residential and commercial property clear and hazard-free requires a lot of time, specialized equipment, and heavy labour, so having an experienced snow removal contractor is imperative to ensure your safety during the Winter months.  


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Our customers are the back-bone to our company's success.  We believe in building long-term relationships and providing service that is unmatched.  We offer All-Inclusive Service Packages for all seasons to meet the needs and requirements of any residential property owner. 


We also specialize in customized commercial and industrial accounts with personalized service to meet the needs of each unique business. We offer All-Inclusive Service Packages for all seasons to meet the needs and requirements of any commercial or industrial property owner or manager.


Our crews are reliable, licensed, honest and insured.  Our lawn services run from April 15th to October 15th of each year.  Our snow removal services run from October 15th to April 15th of each year.  For Edmonton and area snow removal or lawn maintenance, we are pleased to offer extremely competitive rates with exceptional quality service.


A complete list of available services for all properties are listed below:

Snow Removal

Ice Control Applications

Anti-Icing & De-Icing Applications

Skid Steer Services

Snow Hauling

Lot Rock Chipping & Sanding

Push & Pile Services

Commercial Sidewalks & Walkways

Snow Removal Service Standard Package Price


Service Package A

​Recommended for:

  • Single-family homes

  • Multi-unit housing

  • Investment properties

  • Rental locations

  • Budget residential

  • Small offices

  • Budget commercial

  • Low-traffic locations (commercial)

Snow Removal Service Priority Package Price


Service Package B

Recommended for:

  • Townhome complexes

  • Condominium complexes

  • Apartment buildings

  • Shared properties

  • Professional offices

  • Retail stores

  • Rental parking lots

  • Medium-traffic locations (commercial)

Snow Removal Service VIP Package Price


Service Package C

Recommended for:

  • Private streets

  • Subdivisions

  • Shared laneways

  • Luxury residential homes

  • Schools & Daycares

  • Religious Institutions

  • Retail Plazas & Malls

  • Casinos & Cinemas

  • High-traffic locations (commercial)


Consistently top-notch snow removal service is at the heart of Ground Crew Canada's success. Ontario's 'snow belt' regional snow is unpredictable, and can often cause major delays and shutdowns. With snow removal experience, trust us to keep your business running smoothly and safely even during the heaviest snow storms. You or your business and its customers can safely rely on us!


Planning ahead for the snow removal season is critical to ensure a smooth and safe winter. We thoroughly map the layout and specifics of each contracted property, ensuring that all snow removal services are performed exactly to the client's specifications. Your business' hours of operation, peak hours of volume, and general layout are all taken into account when scheduling routes. For your home, we ensure all of your specific needs are met.  Drivers are specifically trained on the nuances of each residential and commercial property prior to their first live run.


We offer a comprehensive residential and commercial snow removal service designed to make you or your company's winter season painless and profitable. Our service is fully automated so you don't have to worry about calling in the plows. We take charge not only of plowing, but also of clearing entrances, walkways, sidewalks, stairs, etc. With GCC doing your snow removal, you can enjoy a professionally maintained property which is clean, safe, and free of snow and ice all winter long.

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