Do I have to sign up for the entire Spring, Summer and Fall season?
No. We provide All-Inclusive seasonal contracts that cover your property for only Spring Clean-Up, just Fertilizing, only Cutting & Trimming, etc. We are happy to build a service package that meets your specific needs.
How do I sign up?
First you must request a quote for your property - either by phone, e-mail or online. Once you receive it, included in your quote package is our written service agreement which will detail your seasonal price, payment schedule, and terms of service. You must sign this agreement, and either sent it scanned via e-mail, postal mail or arrange for us to pick it up. Deposit payment and post-dated cheques for all scheduled future payments must be included with your signed contract or a Credit Card Authorization Form. Once we receive your signed agreement your service will commence. Do not hesitate to contact us to make an appointment to finalize your contract in person.
What will my quote package and contract include?
Your quote package will include a written contract, detailing exactly how and when the service will be performed. Our contract agreement is quite detailed and thorough, and will include a diagram of your property with all serviceable areas clearly marked. Your contract will have several service options for you to choose from, so be sure to review it carefully. Many questions about our service will also be answered in the Terms & Conditions section of your contract. Every one of our clients signs a copy of the written agreement - work will not commence until the signed contract is received. You can download a Sample on our site.
Can you blow off my walkways, sidewalks, steps, entrances, etc. after each service?
Yes, of course! We offer a comprehensive service designed to include all the areas of your property that you want maintained and always leave properties with walkways, sidewalks, decks, etc. clear of any clippings, dirt, leaves or debris.
Do you offer any on-call services?
Absolutely not. We do not offer any on-call services, but rather choose to focus on providing exceptional service to our contracted clients instead. All of our properties are contracted prior to the season - this allows us to plan out and schedule our routes for maximum efficiency, and to deliver consistent, quality service to our seasonal customers. Our contracted properties are maintained weekly - without any need to call for service.
Will my lawn be automatically maintained?
Yes, your service will always be performed automatically. There is absolutely no need to call - once you have signed up, HHS crew members will come to perform maintenance as scheduled.
What kind of equipment do you use?
We have a large fleet of well-maintained equipment including trucks, spreaders, sweepers, trimmers, blowers and of course, lawn mowers. Our equipment is serviced by professionally trained service technicians and none of our equipment is more than 5 years old. We have extra pieces of equipment for everything we do; this ensures zero downtime and no delays for our customers.
I have a contract with you - how can I get service updates during the Spring, Summer and Fall?
You may call our office line (1-866-401-7669) 24 hours per day for live updates and information - a staff member is always monitoring the phone during office hours. Regular updates will also be posted on our Facebook page as well as on our Twitter feed.
What is the term / duration of my contract?
Contracts start on the day you sign and service begins on April 15th of each calendar year and ends on October 15th of each calendar year. Our contracts are designed to cover you from the first sign of Spring until the first snow flake in late Fall. Multi-year terms with locked-in seasonal pricing are available.
When do I have to pay?
We expect the first month of your service to be pre-paid as a deposit upon signing the contract. This secures a spot on one of our routes and allows us to allocate crews and equipment to your property. The remaining balance is due on or before the 15th of each month. There is a specific section of your contract that will detail exactly when your scheduled payments are due. Post-dated cheques or a credit card on file may be used for all future payments.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept payment by all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard and AMEX), cheque, e-transfer or bank draft. GST will be charged on all contract purchases. We are a registered income tax paying business and you will receive an elecronic receipt for all payments made.
What time of day will you visit my property to provide service?
Exact visit times depend on a number of factors including time of year, amount of daylight and weather. We will never be at your property before 8:00am on weekday and 9:00am on weekends/holidays and we will never arrive later than 8:00pm on weekday and 9:00pm on weekends/holidays. We always perform all services within the guaranteed completion day noted on your contract (weather permitting), and aim to have as many of our properties cleared during non-peak sunshine hours as possible.
Can I upgrade my chosen Service Package part way through the year?
Upgrades are available on a case-by-case basis. We will negotiate a fair price prior to finalizing your upgrade.
Do your crew members get any kind of training?
Each crew member is trained on the specific navigation of their route, familiarized with the technical aspects of their equipment and thoroughly briefed on safety operating procedures. They are supplied with both written manuals and hands-on training. We believe that preparedness reduces stress, the opportunity for damage, and the loss of time, which ultimately translates into the delivery of better service to our customers.
What type of crew members do you hire?
All of our crew members are full-time, salaried employees with health and dental benefits, paid vacation time, seasonal bonuses and annual appreciate events. We do not use part-time or temporary workforce agencies. Crew members have undergone an extensive background check process and all have first aid training.
Do I need to be at home when you come to provide services?
No, once the account is set-up you do not need to be home for us to take care of the property.
Spring Services are schedule between April 15-30, but what if there is still snow or the ground is still frozen, what happens?
If you have paid for Spring Services, rest assured you will receive them as soon as the snow is gone and the ground is not frozen. If this occurs, we will communicate with you when you can expect to have these services completed at your property.
I have many more questions, what is the best way to contact you?
You can contact us either by phone or e-mail. We pride ourselves on answering any and all inquiries within 24 hours, usually on the same day.